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Infidelity and Divorce


An act of infidelity can cause irreversible damage in any relationship. It is often tough to weather the mistrust, anger, secrecy, and rejection that surfaces following such an act. Although it’s true that many couples choose to stay together after infidelity and may even work through these issues to become stronger, filing for a divorce is sometimes the best option.

Divorce is usually a long, arduous, and complicated process. The experienced lawyers of Diggs & Sadler are here to help answer your questions and navigate any obstacles you might encounter.

Reasons Some People Cheat

Affairs can happen for a wide variety of reasons. Some of the more common situations that lead a married individual to cheat are as follows:

  • Lack of trust
  • Long working hours for one or both parties
  • Frequent absence from home due to business trips or otherwise
  • Lack of communication between partners
  • Being exposed to media that inspires or encourages infidelity
  • Lack of interest in the relationship
  • Drunkenness

After discovering infidelity in a relationship, it is important to start the healing process as soon as possible. Although it is true that many married couples recover after an affair, filing for divorce can be the best option.

Contact a Houston Family Law Frim for Help

The talented and experienced Houston lawyers at Diggs & Sadler are here to help you evaluate your options for divorce. If you are considering filing for divorce after an act of infidelity in your marriage, feel to call our Houston offices today at (713) 766-5355.

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