What are the standard holidays in a Standard Possession Order?
And typically that Christmas break is split into two halves. One parent will have the first half of Christmas break and the other parent will have the second half of Christmas break and the following year that will switch. So if you had Christmas one year, you'll have the second half of Christmas break the second year. Also covered in our standard possession order is Thanksgiving.
Typically, Thanksgiving is also going to be alternated between the parties. Mother's Day is always awarded to the mom. Father's Day weekend is always awarded to the dad. And then we also have provisions for the child's birthday. So if you don't have possession of your child on their birthday, you have the option for a two hour window to see your child take them to dinner or exchange gifts with them and to see them one on one.
Now, there are holidays that are important to people that are not covered in the standard possession order. For example, a lot of clients ask me about Easter. That's a very important holiday that's not covered in our standard possession order. So it's very important when you're consulting with your attorney to make your attorney it's very important when you're consulting with your attorney to make your attorney aware of holidays that are important to you that may not be covered in the possession order to make sure those are included in your order.