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Protecting Victims of Domestic Violence


In the state of Texas, there are a number of legal protections available to victims of domestic violence. While it is not necessary to have a lawyer represent you throughout this process, an experienced family lawyer can help you through what can be an exceedingly complicated process for some. At Diggs & Sadler, we treat cases involving domestic violence with the utmost care; we are committed to protecting the rights of anyone who has been made to suffer domestic violence in the greater Houston area.

Forms of Domestic Violence as defined in the Texas Penal Code

Understood to be an act of violence involving a family member, household member, or individual the offender is or has been in a romantic relationship with, domestic violence occurs in the Houston area with disturbing regularity. In Texas, domestic violence cases are typically prosecuted as one of three offenses:

  • Domestic assault;
  • Aggravated domestic assault; or
  • Continuous violence against the family

Our Houston family lawyers understand just how complicated and emotionally devastating incidents of domestic violence can be for Houston couples and families; we’ll do everything we possibly can to help you restore your sense of safety and well-being.

Consult with a Houston Domestic Violence Law Firm

At Diggs & Sadler, our Houston attorneys are committed to helping domestic violence victims gain the legal protections they need to feel safe again. To discuss the particulars of your case with one of our attorneys, please call our Houston offices at 713-766-5355 today.

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